Friday, May 29, 2009
Grass Head

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Herkimer Diamond Mines

Dairy Farm Trip

Ollie's Bargains

Friday, May 15, 2009
Rosetta Stone Give Away
Rosetta Stone is the fastest way to learn a language and has been the #1 foreign language curriculum among homeschoolers for a while — and you can WIN the *all new* version 3 Rosetta Stone Homeschool LATIN program… FOR FREE! This is the first year you can get Latin in the brand new Version III update.
This is a $259 program. This is a computer based curriculum and Rosetta Stone will also include a headset with microphone, and a supplementary “Audio Companion” CD so you can practice lessons in the car, on the go, or where-ever! Students participate in life-like conversations and actually produce language to advance through the program. Rosetta Stone incorporates listening, reading, grammar, vocabulary and writing along with speaking and pronunciation lessons. For parents, the new Parent Administrative Tools are integrated into the program to allow parents to easily enroll up to ten students in any of 12 predetermined lesson plans, monitor student progress, grade completed work (the program grades the work automatically as the students progress- I love that!), and you can view and print reports for transcripts. Homeschooling a lot of kids at your house? This program is designed to enroll and track up to ten students (five users on two computers) and will work for nearly all ages — from beginning readers up to college students.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Isaac "Reads"
Not one to be left in the background, Isaac typically declares, "Me turn now" at some point during the day so he can do "me (school) work wike me big brudders, Ewi and Wukey!" Usually I spent some time reading books, counting fingers and toes, naming body parts, etc. with him during his "school time." After seeing Luke read a book today, Isaac wanted to have his turn to "read" as well.
"The Bus" read by Isaac...
Luke Reads "The Bus"
Luke, mainly because of his persistence at this point, is eagerly jumping into Kindergarten type work though he doesn't technically need to start until the fall of 2009 or 2010. He's just weeks shy of 5 years old. Math is his favorite. He joins in most days with Elijah's first grade math work. He loves learning to read and has made good progress especially in the past few weeks. He chose a book titled "The Bus" this morning and I recorded his second read through. He is proving that his Kindergarten year will be much "easier" than my initial year of homeschooling. He is farther ahead than I anticipated and I am more confident in my ability to teach my children.