Sunday, December 21, 2008
A New Reader

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Cookies: Bite-Size Life Lessons

"COOPERATE means, How about you add the chips while I stir?
PROUD means, My chin is high, and I sure do like the way my cookies turned out.
MODEST means you don't run around telling everyone you make the best cookies, even if
you know it to be true.
RESPECT means offering the very first cookie to your grandmother.
PESSIMISTIC means, How awful, how absolutely dreadful - I only have half my
cookie left.
OPTIMISTIC means, This is great - I still have half my cookie left.
REGRET means, I really wish I didn't eat so many cookies."
Christmas Cookies: Bite-Size Holiday Lessons just came into publication this fall and explains character traits in the same simple-to-understand style.
"DISAPPOINTED means, I tried to make it look like a star, but it didn't turn out at all the
way I expected.
APPRECIATIVE means, Thank you so so much for taking the time to bake with me.
CHARITABLE means setting a big batch aside to give to people who maybe don't have any
cookies at all.
MODERATION means at the party not having twenty cookies, and not having zero cookies,
but having just enough cookies.
FRUSTRATED means, I can't believe we burned them again!
PERSEVERANCE means, We tried and tried and tried, and we finally made the perfect
not-burned batch.
THOUGHTFUL means, Let's give some to our neighbor!"
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
It was neat to see the boys bopping their heads and "tum-ta-ta-ta-tum-tuming" with the music. In the week prior to the concert, we read The Nutcracker story and listened the music, so they were familiar with it before attending. While listening the first time, during a lively section, the boys battled with their swords and guns. I was thankful they sat politely during the concert.

Of course, some time was spent enjoying other activities around the museum, too. Although, the boys told their dad that it wasn't much fun because there were too many people visiting on Veteran's Day. We usually visit the mostly empty museum in the afternoon while everyone else is still in school and the afternoon nappers have gone home - he, he!
Field Trip Adventures
Our first trip was to McPherson Orchards to learn about the process of apple cider making.

Little boys in their glory...Luke used to say that he wanted to be a "fire truck" when he grew up. He, he!

Watching a fireman putting on each piece of his gear. He stressed that even though he looked and sounded strange in all his gear that the children were not to be afraid if there was an emergency. I was impressed with his ability to speak at the children's level and make them feel comfortable.

Hanging out in a fire truck with a real fireman!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Spelled to Order

After spelling his name, Luke ran over the the fridge and grabbed a few "foods" from our Vtech ABC Food Fun fridge magnet set. He set to work spelling some words.

Elijah, on the other hand, chose his words a little more carefully, being the hungry and growing boy that he is recently. After spelling his words, he asked me to come over and see what he wanted for breakfast. Easy enough to oblige!

Thursday, October 30, 2008
School Day Sampler
8:15AM - 8:45AM: Breakfast and Bible time. We're reading through Exodus now - we recently started there because we are learning about Egypt (the ancient world) in our history class using The Story of the World materials. We are memorizing the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20. Yummm...made from scratch pancakes - I've got a great recipe if you need one - and NYS maple syrup! We finished the bottle and it's a sad day other than the fact that I don't have that massive bottle clogging up my fridge space. But back to school...

10:40AM - 11:00AM: Break to be wild and crazy while mama does something...probably laundry...

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Pattern Blocks

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Little Pilgrim's Progress
Day by Day a Week Goes Round

I found this sweet book through my library system and love the catchy, rhyming verses for learning the days of the week. The author also has another book called Month by Month a Year Goes Round following the same format.
At the beginning of each of these books there is a poem I thought would be fun for memorization. Elijah is working on it right now and has it almost perfected. We're calling it "Day by Day" because there is no official title so we used the book name as the poem name.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Big Brother Reads

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Cuneiform Tablets

The top row spells "LUKE" and the bottom row spells "LDF."
In case you've ever wondered what Isaac does when I am teaching...he loves to join in at times and I highly encourage it! Often he plays with blocks, puzzles or cars on the floor nearby or colors pictures or scrounges in the cabinets for something to eat...Today though, he definitely wanted to join in on the fun. He loves playdough and daddy's screwdrivers.

It looks like a cookie...sort of!
RPO OrKidstra Concert
Prior to the concert there was an activity time where we were able to participate in several workshops...creating our own composition then having the RPO pianist play it for us, violin and cello petting zoo where Eli got to play "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" with the help of a Hochstein music student and circle time playing with small percussion instruments, parachutes and scarves. Much to my boys dismay and at the same time pleasure that I didn't make them participate, there was also a ballet class...they peeked in the door and immediately asked to go to another activity. Too many tu-tus!
Once the concert started, the conductor was so adept at explaining the various styles of music, engaging the children in question and answers, and making it fun! It was an interactive, noisy, relaxed, superb concert. We arrived early enough to secure front row center balcony seats for the best view. I loved seeing Elijah and Luke leaning at the edge of the wall caught up in the music. The best part was Eli pretending to be and mimicing the conductor. Arms flailing with crisp, although late cut-offs.

The music selections were from Copeland, Pachelbel, Gershwin, Stravinsky, Piazolla and Bartok. My favorites were from Aaron Copeland, while the boys both loved the Stravinsky because "it was loud and sounded like a lion!"

Friday, September 26, 2008
Van Gogh's Sunflowers

"See mama moe pait...I do it, mama...see...I pait wed...moe wed...moe wed, mama..." He sat for atleast 1/2 hr. painting with us. Impressive!

Mama painted, too...I didn't want to miss out on the fun!
All in all, we spent over 2 hours outside painting over 20 pictures. The boys loved it! I had to make them stop in order to finish other school work for the day. Can't wait to tackle the next project!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Books! Books! Books!
For Art this year, I am using How to Teach Art to Children published by Evan-Moor. The first few lessons have been about Line - recognizing and drawing vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines in varying widths thick, thin and dotted. After each lesson, we've looked around our house to find the different lines and follow that up by looking at examples of artwork through our borrowed library books Museum ABC, Museum Shapes and Museum 123 (all published by the Metropolitan Museum of Art). I love these books because they are appropriate for ANY age - everyone in our family can look at these books and come away a little more knowledgeable. They were number one on my shopping list and I'm sure the other patrons of the library will be thankful that I'm not holding those copies hostage any longer.
Can You Find It? is a search and find book using art work. Elijah and Luke love these types of books, so that was a extra purchase. It's turn out to be a treasure as well.
I am planning to study a different artist each month. I found Discovering Great Artists many months back, but wasn't sure about it. Then I happened upon a blogging mom who is using it with her little ones and I loved the projects her children were doing. Check out this Van Gogh project that finally sold me. Maybe it's just because I love sunflowers...
The rest of the stack is for Music. Both Elijah and Luke will be taking piano lesson together with Miss June. They will focus on the piano as the main instrument, but will try a variety of rhythm instruments and music "play." I am hoping to teach them about the different sections of the orchestra and listen to a variety of classical musicians. Again, I've borrowed these Classical Kids CDs from our library and love them. We occasionally watch Little Einsteins on TV and the first time I put in one of the new CDs, Elijah said, "Hey, I like this music...it's from Little Einsteins!" He then proceeded to "fly" in his rocket around the house, joined within seconds by his brothers, humming along with the music.
This treasures below are a stack of well loved books I picked at my local library sale. My favorite of the bunch is Jamberry. I love the rollicking flow of the words about a little boy and a bear picking berries for jam...